Friday, January 23, 2009

A year ago today...

A year ago today I embarked on the journey of a lifetime. Looking back, it seems like it was just yesterday I said hello to my new home in cabin 3066 aboard the MV Explorer. Little did I know how life as I knew it would change from then on. I still have yet to grasp the entire experience and I don't know if I ever will. I do miss Semester at Sea and my friends from all over the world... my life has forever been changed and I could not be happier for it! Happy 1 year anniversary, Semester at Sea, Spring 2008!!! There will never be another voyage like ours! :)

"One of the greatest lessons I have learned however, was not from any classroom, or any country specifically. I have simply learned to live. LIVE. Second by second, century by century. One world, a world apart, just live."