Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hello from Malaysia! I know what you are all thinking - i will have my HUGE update from my happenings in India as soon as i can. We just arrived in Malaysia this morning and as soon as the ship cleared customs I was off to the Cameron Highlands - about 4 hours sounth of Penang. It is beautiful here and has not stopped raining since we got here. Anywho, I am limited on my time but once I get back to Penang and get into the hotel me and a friend are staying at, I will upload my update from India and possibly some well needed photos of me and the Taj Mahal! I am having a blast (as usual) and I am really looking forward to sharing my MANY expierences from India.
Well, my time is going fast so I better get. Miss you all!
love love love


cvargas2281 said...

Hi Cherie! Its Charlsey. I am SO glad that you are having so much fun and learning so much at the same time. I enjoy reading your postings to see what you are experiencing now. :) Take care of yourself, hope to hear from you soon.:)

Ethan said...

Some of your titles warrant clarification. For instance, first you said you were "off" to India, and in another you did aver that you were "on" to India. Which is it? Also, one of the people at one of my sites is from India, and his name is Vijay. When you were "in" to India, did you happen to run across his family? If so I hope you said hi. He likes beads and eating spicy clams.