Monday, March 3, 2008

Leaving Cape Town, Arriving Mauritius

So, wow! It has been a while since I have updated so I suppose I should catch y’all up. Well, we didn’t end up leaving Cape Town the night we were scheduled to because of fog. We actually departed Cape Town around 1000 hours on the 25th. I was outside while we sailed away and I convinced myself (and let me tell you, it didn’t take much) that I HAD to come back – anyone want to join? Anywho, we were at sea for a total of 5 days and it wasn’t until the last 2 days that the weather actually calmed down. Those first 3 days were pretty rocky which made things difficult but added that extra spice to life on the ship. We arrived in Mauritius (if you don’t know where it is look it up! Its somewhere off the coast of Madagascar) on Saturday morning around 700 hours which meant that we had to get up around 6ish to see the sunrise… needless to say it was an early morning for us. For the first day I had a trip through SAS to hike in the mountains and beach. In retrospect I really enjoyed it but during the hike I thought otherwise… See, being on the ship the most exercise we get is climbing the grand staircase about 10 times a day. Otherwise we are sitting in the classrooms, sitting in our rooms, or sitting down to eat – pretty much a lazy life. The have a gym on board but there are only 3-4 machines and signups are held the night before… its just a really complicated process that I haven’t figured out yet. Back to the story - We did the hike and the view from the top was amazing! After our hike we went to a French colonial home and had a traditional Mauritian meal. It was great! Soon after lunch we headed to a famous beach on the island called flick and flack (fun name, hey?). It was here that I had my first experience swimming in the Indian Ocean – all that’s left on my list is the Arctic Ocean, any takers? We stayed at the beach for a while and then headed back to the ship. Later that night I went out to dinner with some friends but soon after found my way back to the ship and to my bed! Yesterday was so much fun! I went on another SAS trip, but this one was a lot less challenging that the previous. We were on a catamaran, went snorkelling, and just chilled under the Mauritian sun for the day (with the help of Mr. SPF 30 this time!). On my trip I met a girl from Turlock (she knows where Porterville is!!!!) and she goes to Point Loma. We hit it off and went out for dinner with some friends after we got back to the ship. It was a great day! Today was my somewhat lazy day. I slept in, went to grab some internet on the waterfront, and then headed out to a service visit through SAS. We went to an orphanage where kids who aren’t necessarily biologically orphaned but socially orphaned, meaning their parents are in prison for prostitution, drugs, etc. It was great to see all these people care so deeply for these children who might not have any other hope otherwise. Tonight I decided to save some money and eat dinner on the ship – and I’m glad I didn’t miss it… it was ribs! I also got a phone card hoping to get a hold of a sibling of mine who lives in Russia but was not able to accomplish that… Peter, just know that I tried!! Right now I am in my friend’s room where I am going to spend the night so I best get to bed. Hope all is well back at home! Miss you all! love love love Cherie


Ethan said...

I'm neither biologically nor socially orphaned. Since you left, I've become emotionally orphaned. In fact, I can't even read your blog without thinking about how depressed I am. It is driving me MADagascar, as it were. I wish I spent MAURitius time with you before you went away. If I could, I would don a CAPE Town and fly to be with you. I have gone MADagascar with grief. Oh wait, I already did that one.

Ethan said...

PETER, I have your book "A Man Without a Country." Do you want it back? Oh yeah, I also have your Russian CDs I never used. I can bring those up to the Ranch too if you want.