Monday, February 18, 2008

Cape Town Tomorrow!

Cape Town Tomorrow! I can’t believe its already here! Sunrise is around 5:30 in the morning so my friends and I plan on making our way out to the decks sometime around then… the view pulling into the harbour is supposed to be one of the best – with Table Mountain in view and the beautiful African coast… I really can’t wait! Oh and by the way, along my journey I have been taking video footage and would love to post it… if I only knew how. So, here is my bleg, as my brother would put it: If anyone knows anything about video-ing and uploading it to a computer and then editing and all that jazz I would totally love to talk to you!  Juggling school and the whole ship atmosphere is not great but I have learned to deal for now. I have a paper due soon – not exactly sure when – so I have been setting aside time to write that every so often… meh… Well, I think that is pretty much my report on life with me… pretty much amazing! I hope everything is well with you and yours!! Miss you all! love love love Cherie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I can't believe you are in Africa. How crazy is that? I can't wait to see video! I'm not sure how to do it either. What about your bro? Yeah, I guess no matter where you are school is misery. I love you. Be safe :)